
Monday, March 7, 2011

Birthdays and Trips Gratitude: #71-90

As part of my "30 things to do before 30" list, I'm keeping a running list of everyday things I am grateful for.  It helps me be more fully aware of the daily gifts that God gives, and all the sacred moments in a normal day.  Inspired by Ann Voskamp's 1,000 gifts project and my friend Kit.

71. Glass of cold water before bed
72. Pancakes for breakfast
73. Husband home safe
74. Lingering breakfast with an old, dear friend
75. A warning instead of a ticket
76. Singing for friends who haven't heard me in a long time 
77. Meeting other songwriters
78. Middle-of-the-night rocking to sleep
79. God's hand working in all things

80. One year with her, with all the ups and downs

81. The help of moms and mother-in-laws
82. The pink smear of icing and cupcake
83. Long dinner with old friends
84. A friend's vulnerability
85. More freedom in prayer
86. Job's responses to the stripping (Job 1:21 & 2:10)
87. Husband's trip fitting him like a glove
88. Making it 10 days without him
89. A night of recording music
90. New life in the middle of my dead plant

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