
Thursday, November 11, 2010

30 Before 30

As I mentioned in my last post, I (Caroline) am going to be 30 on 11/11/11!  This amazing date, with all of its digital repeating singularness (I totally made that up and - no - I do not think it makes any sense at all), along with the fact that this date will bring me from my 20's to my 30's, calls for some special kind of action.  Hence, the "30 Before 30" list which I present to you today.

I'm in a very goofy mood, by the way. I'm sure you can tell?

I've seen these around on a blog or two, and I thought it would be fun to make my own!  I don't actually have a full thirty things yet, but I'm sure I'll add them as we go along.  And here she is in all her glory and in no particular order....   Anything you think I should add???

1. Take Ellie to the zoo
2. Write a song for every book of Bible & send them to The Scripture to Music Collective
3. Plan at least 2 fun girls' nights out
4. Plan another college girls' trip
5. Plan a fun surprise date for Nick
6. Try out for kerrville folk festival
7. Do a 10k (er... maybe just a 5k?)

8. See both HP movies in the theatre, and preferably dressed up as Hermoine at the midnight showings with the Hicks (SO EXCITED! And so lame for a 29 year old?)
9. Plant a garden
10. Go to Frontier with YL kids
11. Snowboard
12. Go camping
13. Learn basic HTML
14. Learn basic Photoshop
15. "Unplug" Sundays - I want to start a habit of "unplugging" from Facebook, Twitter, and the internet on Sundays!!!
16. Make a running list of things I'm thankful for
17.  Host a Chinese New Year Party
18. Host a really special first birthday party for Ellie 
19.  Make Ellie a nice 1st year iBook

1 comment:

  1. I like the unplug idea. Sarah and I were just talking about this the other day. Once you start it will become easier. Just dive right in.
