
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Birthday Gratitude

I had a great birthday last week, thanks especially to my husband.  Here's a continuation of the gratitude list! 

11. Old friends who drove in from Dallas to surprise me and just hang out on Wednesday
Emily, Erin, and cute Sam (Ellie was napping)
12. New friends who hosted and came to a little Tex Mex surprise birthday party for me Tuesday
13. All of these things happening on Tuesday and Wednesday instead of Thursday (actual birthday) so I could enjoy them!  (Ellie and I both got sick and I spent all day Thursday at doctors' offices and that night sitting by the toilet!)
14. A husband who knows exactly how I would want to celebrate a birthday
15. Good health
16. New friends who bring me Einstein's :)

And some not-necessarily-related-to-the-birthday gratitude:

17. Going to a baby shower for a baby you prayed and pleaded for since the beginning
18. Friends' kids and babies
19. The "inhale" laugh - fills me with warmth and cracks me up every time!
20. We have a treasure inside cracked, broken jars of clay.  And that's a good thing. 2 Cor 4:7